Course Structure:
The MMS is a two year program, organized around four semesters, spread across two years. To help bring all students to a common and level playing field, KIMSR offers a two week long Boot Camp that focuses on basics of Finance, Quantitative Techniques, Communication Skills, Use of office productivity tools like Excel, Word and Power Point. The Boot camp orients the students to the case based learning methodology and the efficient use of internet for secondary data in research. The course is trifurcated into three categories – A core set of courses, Majors – a set of specially designed core subjects in the major specialization area and a set of specially designed electives within each specialization. The first two semesters in year one are based on a structured series of major and specialization core course. These course cover key management disciplines, and the business ecosystem. To become a global manager, students can choose an elective Subject as a part of their curriculum. The second year of the program has relevant to each specialization and a set of electives focusing on deep domain expertise.
Schedule(tentative) :
The course is conducted on a semester basis with 4 semesters spread over 2 academic years. The duration of each semester is around 15 working weeks.
Semesters(tentative) :
First Semester: August to December.
Second Semester: January to April.
Third Semester: July to November.
Fourth Semester: January to April.